Node management interface

1.Safely shut down the node

  • The full name of the interface:safetyClose
  • The abbreviation of the interface:sfc
  • Callable method:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • InterfaceurlAddress:/api/system/safetyClose
  • Request parameters:
    interface SafetyClose {
    /**Verification type: 001 Node owner verification 002 Administrator verification*/
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Whether the machine needs to be shut down,true means shutting down false means not shutting down */
    isShutdown?: boolean;
    isRestart?: boolean;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SafetyClose {
    /**success or not*/
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Node status,See node status for details */
        machineStatus: number;

    2.Set node password

  • The full name of the interface:setSystemKey
  • The abbreviation of the interface:ssk
  • Callable method:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • interfaceurladdress:/api/system/setSystemKey
  • Request parameters:
    interface SetSystemKey {
    /**Node's old password */
    systemKeyOld: string;
    /**Node's new password */
    systemKeyNew: string;
    /**Whether to decrypt the new password in asymmetrical way(true: use asymmetrical way for decryption, false: do not use asymmetrical way for decryption, clear text transmission) */
    newKeyDecryptEnable?: boolean;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SetSystemKey {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    3.Set administrator password

  • The full name of the interface:setManagerKey
  • The abbreviation of the interface:smk
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/setManagerKey
  • Request parameter:
    interface SetManagerKey {
    /**Node password */
    systemKey: string;
    /**Administrator password */
    managerKey: string;
  • Return parameter:
    interface SetSystemKey {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    4.Add new available node

  • The full name of the interface:importPeerTable
  • The abbreviation of the interface:ipt
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/importPeerTable
  • Request parameters:
    interface ImportPeerTable {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    peerTable: {
        mac: string;
        ip: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface ImportPeerTable {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    5.Remove node list

  • The full name of the interface:removePeerList
  • The abbreviation of the interface:rpl
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/removePeerList
  • Request parameters:
    interface RemovePeerList {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    ipList: string[];
  • Return parameter:
    interface RemovePeerList {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    6.Get node list

  • The full name of the interface:getPeersList
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gpl
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getPeersList
  • Request parameter:none
  • Return parameter:none

    7.Used to determine whether the local ip exists

  • The full name of the interface:verifyIpExist
  • The abbreviation of the interface:vipe
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/verifyIpExist
  • Request parameter:none
  • Return parameter:none

    8.Send the attestation event on the ip chain

  • The full name of the interface:sendIpMarkTr
  • The abbreviation of the interface:sipmt
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/sendIpMarkTr
  • Request parameter:
    interface SendIpMarkTransaction {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    ip: string;
    dappid: string;
  • Return parameter:none

    9.Verify node password

  • The full name of the interface:verifySystemKey
  • The abbreviation of the interface:vfs
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/verifySystemKey
  • Request parameter:
    interface VerifySystemKey {
    /**Check password value */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
  • Return parameter:
    interface VerifySystemKey {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    10.Bind node account

  • The full name of the interface:bindingAccount
  • The abbreviation of the interface:ba
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/bindingAccount
  • Request parameter:
    interface BindingAccount {
    /**Node password */
    systemKey: string;
    /**Encrypted trustee private key */
    cryptoSecretKey: string;
    /**Encrypted trustee public key */
    cryptoPublicKey: string;
    /**Encrypted trustee security private key */
    cryptoSecondSecretKey?: string;
    /**Encrypted trustee security public key */
    cryptoSecondPublicKey?: string;
  • Return parameter:
    interface BindingAccount {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Address */
        address: string;
        /**Public key */
        publicKey: string;
        /**Security key */
        secondPublicKey?: string;
        /**Add time */
        delegateAddTime: number;

    11.Get the node trustee

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemDelegate
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gsd
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemDelegate
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemDelegate {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameter:
    interface GetSystemDelegate {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result?: {
        /**Node trustee public key */
        publicKey: string;
        /**The secure password public key injected by the node trustee */
        secondPublicKey?: string;
        /**Current secondary public key of the node trustee */
        currentSecondPublicKey?: string;
        /**Node trustee address */
        address: string;
        /**The timestamp generated from the time when the node is set successfully */
        addTime: number;
        /**Trustee */
        name: string | undefined;

    12.Query all forgers injected by this node

  • The full name of the interface:getInjectGenerators
  • The abbreviation of the interface:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getInjectGenerators
  • Request parameter:
    interface GetInjectGenerators {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameter:
    interface GetInjectGenerators {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Array of forgers  */
        injectGenerators: {
            /**Forger address */
            address: string;
            /**Forger username */
            username?: string;

    13.Query the details of the forger injected by the node

  • The full name of the interject:getSystemDelegateDetail
  • The abbreviation of the interject:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:post
  • Interjecturladdress:/api/system/getSystemDelegateDetail
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemDelegateDetail {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Trustee address */
    address: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemDelegateDetail {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**The number of main equity held by the account */
        balance: string;
        /**Blocking revenue of the account */
        reward: string;
        /**Accumulated number of blocks forged by the account */
        forgerBlocks: number;
        /**Account address */
        address: string;
        /**Whether it is a trustee */
        isDelegate: boolean;
        /**Account alias */
        username?: string;

    14.Get node details

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemNodeInfo
  • The abbreviation of the interface:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemNodeInfo
  • Request parameter:
    interface GetSystemNodeInfo {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemNodeInfo {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        nodeInfo: {
            /**Node binding address list */
            addressList: {
                address: string;
                isDelegate: boolean;
                username?: string;
            /**The cumulative income of the address bound to the node */
            accumulativeReward: string;
            /**Current height */
            height: number;
            /**Node version */
            version: string;
            /**Chain network identifier */
            magic: string;
            /**Chain name */
            chainName: string;
            /**Node operating system type */
            osType: string;
            /**Signature of Genesis block */
            gensisBlockSignature: string;

    15.Node information query

  • The full name of the interface:miningMachineInfo
  • The abbreviation of the interface:mmi
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/miningMachineInfo
  • interface MiningMachineInfo {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface MiningMachineInfo {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        data: {
            /**Host name */
            hostname: string;
            /**Update function port */
            updateServicePort: number;
            /**Node management function port */
            systemInfoPort: number;
            /**Service market port */
            serviceMarketPort: number;
            /**Blockchain network port */
            port: number;
            /**Operating system */
            platform: string;
            /**Number of CPU cores */
            cpuCount: number;
            /**CPU model information */
            cpuModel: string;
            /**CPU speed */
            cpuSpeed: string;
            /**Memory speed unit: byte */
            totalMem: number;
            /**Memory model */
            memModel: string;
            /**Memory hertz */
            memHz: number;
            /**Disk size unit: byte */
            totalDisk: number;
            /**Disk type */
            diskModel: string;
            /**Whether the node has been set trustee true: the trustee has been set,false: the trustee has not been set */
            delegateStatus: boolean;

    16.Set node configuration information

  • The full name of the interface:setSystemConfig
  • The abbreviation of the interface:ssc
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/setSystemConfig
  • Request parameters:
    interface SetSystemConfig {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Configuration information, The parameters here can be null */
    config: AllPartial<Config.ConfigRevisable>;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SetSystemConfig {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    17.Get node configuration information

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemConfigInfoDetail
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gsci
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemConfigInfoDetail
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemConfigInfoDetail {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemConfigInfoDetail {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: BFMetaPC.Config.ConfigReadable;

    18.Get node status(real-time information)

  • The full name of the interface:getRuntimeState
  • The abbreviation of the interface:grs
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getRuntimeState
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetRuntimeState {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetRuntimeState {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Memory information,JSON object */
        memory: {
            /**Resident set size,how much physical memory is allocated to this process */
            rss: number;
            /**堆的总大小,包含 3 个部分:1、已分配的内存,用于对象的创建和存储,对应于 heapUsed 2、未分配的但可用于分配的内存 3、未分配的但不能分配的内存 The total size of the heap, including 3 parts: 1. Allocated memory, used for object creation and storage, corresponding to heapUsed 2. Memory that is unallocated but available for allocation 3. Memory that is unallocated but unavailable for allocation */
            heapTotal: number;
            /**Allocated memory, that is, the total size of all objects in the heap */
            heapUsed: number;
            /**Memory occupied by the system link library used by the process */
            external: number;
        /**Operating system */
        platform: "aix" | "android" | "darwin" | "freebsd" | "linux" | "openbsd" | "sunos" | "win32" | "cygwin" | "netbsd";
        /**Number of CPU cores */
        cpuCount: number;
        /**Available memory size */
        freemem: number;
        /**Total memory size */
        totalmen: number;
        /**CPU usage,unit:% */
        cpuUsage: number;
        /**CPU average load */
        cpuUsageV2: number[];
        /**CPU model information */
        cpuModel: string;
        /**Process information,JSON object */
        process: {
            /**Process ID */
            pid: number;
            /**Process name */
            name?: string;

    19.Get node access statistics

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemMonitor
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gsm
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemMonitor
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemMonitor {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Specify the access type,including the traffic accessing IP,times,the times of accessing interface,number of blocks,event date, etc. */
    monitorType?: string;
    /**The number of queries, for example, limit=10 means that 10 pieces of data can be queried. */
    limit?: number;
    /**The starting position of the query, for example, offset = 0 means that the query starts from the first line. */
    offset?: number;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemMonitor {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        systemMonitor: {
            /**IP statistical information */
            requestIpMonitorInfo?: {
                /**IP information object,JSON object */
                    /**Number of visits */
                    requestCount: number;
                    /**Number of access errors */
                    requestErrorCount: number;
                    /**Number of access denials */
                    requestRejectCount: number;
                    /**Download traffic*/
                    downloadFlow: number;
                    /**Upstream traffic */
                    uploadFlow: number;
            /**Access method statistics,JSON object */
            requestMethodInfo?: {
                /**Access method statistics,JSON object */
                    /**Number of visits */
                    count: number;
            /**Access path statistics,JSON object */
            requestPathInfo?: {
                /**Access path statistics,JSON object */
                    /**Number of visits */
                    count: number;
            /**Access url statistical information,JSON object */
            requestApiUrlInfo?: {
                /**Access url statistics,JSON object */
                    /**Number of visits */
                    count: number;
            /**Access interface name statistics,JSON object */
            requestMethodNameInfo?: {
                /**Access interface name statistics,JSON object */
                    /**Number of visits */
                    count: number;
            /**Access account statistics,JSON object */
            requestAccountInfo?: {
                /**Access account statistics,JSON object */
            /**Node event statistic,JSON object */
            transaction?: {
                /**Number of node event equity */
                amount: string;
                /**Number of node event fees */
                fee: string;
            /**Statistics of various node events,JSON object */
            trsCount?: {
                /**Statistics of various node events,JSON object */
            /**Block information,JSON object */
            blockCount?: {
                /**Block height */
                height: number;
                /**Block generation timestamp */
                time: number;
                /**Number of block rewards  */
                reward: string;
                /**Block size */
                blockSize: number;
                /**Number of block events */
                numberOfTransactions: number;

    20.Get the type of node running log

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemLoggerType
  • The abbreviation of the interface:glt
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemLoggerType
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerType {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administration verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerType {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Log type,array */
        loggerType: {
            /**Log type */
            loggerType: string;
            /**Log file name */
            loggerName: string;
            /**Number of logs of this type */
            loggerAmount: number;
            /**Total size of log of this type,unit:byte */
            loggerSize: number;
            /**Last time when the log of this type was created */
            loggerUpdateTime: number;

    21.Get the list of node running log

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemLoggerList
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gll
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemLoggerList
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerList {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administration verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Node type */
    loggerType: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerList {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Node running log list(a certain type of log),JSON object */
        loggerList: {
            /**Log file name */
            logName: string;
            /**Time when log was last modified */
            logUpdateTime: number;
            /**Log file size */
            logSize: number;
            /**Log file path */
            logPath: string;

    22.Get the content of node running log

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemLoggerDetail
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gld
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemLoggerDetail
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerDetail {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Log file name */
    loggerName: string;
    /**Number of queries, for example, limit=10 means that 10 pieces of data can be queried. */
    limit?: number;
    /**The starting position of the query, for example, offset = 0 means that the query starts from the first line. */
    offset?: number;
    /**Search string */
    searchString?: string;
    /**Method reading files */
    readFileType?: {
        readFileAsync = 0,
        createReadStream = 1,
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemLoggerDetail {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**The content of Node running log, array format, the content of all detail lines */
        loggerDetail: string[];
        /**Total lines of content */
        linesTotal: number;

    23.Delete node running log

  • The full name of the interface:delSystemLogger
  • the abbreviation of the interface:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/delSystemLogger
  • Request parameters:
    interface DelSystemLogger {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Log file name */
    loggerName: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface DelSystemLogger {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;

    24.Get the node email address

  • The full name of the interface:getEmailAddress
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gea
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getEmailAddress
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetEmailAddress {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**The email address to be queried */
    emailAddress?: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetEmailAddress {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Email receiving address */
        emailToAddress: string;
        /**Email sending address */
        emailFromAddress: string;
        /**Email configuration */
        emailConfig: {
            /**Email configuration type,POP3/SMTP/IMAP */
            type: string;
            /**Email configuration host */
            host?: string;
            /**Email configuration port */
            port?: number;
            /**Whether to enable email security control */
            secureConnection?: boolean;
            /**Whether to enable ssl */
            ssl?: boolean;
            /**Whether to enable tls */
            tls?: boolean;
            /**Transfer email configuration information */
            auth?: {
                /**Transfer email configuration user name */
                user: string;
                /**Transfer email configuration password */
                pass: string;

    25.Set the node email address

  • The full name of the interface:setEmailAddress
  • The abbreviation of the interface:sea
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/setEmailAddress
  • Request parameters:
    interface SetEmailAddress {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Email receiving address */
    emailToAddress: string;
    /**Email sending address */
    emailFromAddress: string;
    /**Email configuration */
    emailConfig: {
        /**Email configuration type,POP3/SMTP/IMAP */
        type: string;
        /**Email configuration host */
        host?: string;
        /**Email configuration port */
        port?: number;
        /**Whether to enable email security control */
        secureConnection?: boolean;
        /**Whether to enable ssl */
        ssl?: boolean;
        /**Whether to enable tls */
        tls?: boolean;
        /**Transfer email configuration information */
        auth?: {
            /**Transfer email configuration user name */
            user: string;
            /**Transfer email configuration password */
            pass: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SetEmailAddress {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: boolean;
  • The full name of the interface:getProcessNetwork
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gpn
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getProcessNetwork
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetProcessNetwork {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Number of queries, for example, limit=10 means that 10 pieces of data can be queried. */
    limit?: number;
    /**The starting position of the query, for example, offset = 0 means that the query starts from the first line */
    offset?: number;
    /**Process type */
    processType?: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetProcessNetwork {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result?: {
        /**Process network information object,JSON object */
        processNetwork: {
            /**Process type */
            processType: string;
            /**Process name */
            name: string;
            /**Process sending network traffic */
            send: number;
            /**Process receiving network traffic */
            receive: number;
            /**Total network sent and received by the process */
            sum: number;
        count: number;

    27.Get node process CPU information

  • The full name of the interface:getProcessCPU
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gpc
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getProcessCPU
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetProcessCPU {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Number of queries, for example, limit=10 means that 10 pieces of data can be queried. */
    limit?: number;
    /**The starting position of the query, for example, offset = 0 means that the query starts from the first line */
    offset?: number;
    /**Process type */
    processType?: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetProcessCPU {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result?: {
        /**Process CPU status,JSON object */
        processCPU: {
            /**Process type */
            processType: string;
            /**Process name */
            name: string;
            /**Process CPU usage */
            percent: number;
            /**Process CPU status */
            state: string;
        count: number;

    28.Get node process memory information

  • The full name of the interface:getProcessMemory
  • The abbreviation of the interface:gpm
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getProcessMemory
  • Request parameters:
    interface GetProcessMemory {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
    /**Number of queries, for example, limit=10 means that 10 pieces of data can be queried. */
    limit?: number;
    /**The starting position of the query, for example, offset = 0 means that the query starts from the first line */
    offset?: number;
    /**Process type */
    processType?: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetProcessMemory {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result?: {
        /**Process memory status,JSON object */
        processMemory: {
            /**Process type */
            processType: string;
            /**Process name */
            name: string;
            /**Process shared memory size */
            share: number;
            /**Process dedicated memory size */
            rss: number;
        count: number;

    29.Send node status regularly

  • The full name of the interface:systemStatus
  • The abbreviation of the interface:ess
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/systemStatus
  • Request parameters:
    interface SystemStatus {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SystemStatus {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        systemStatus: {
            /**CPU usage,array */
            cpusStatus: {
                /**Which generation of code name does the CPU belong to in its series */
                model: string;
                /**CPU main frequency(clock frequency) */
                speed: number;
                /**Time-consuming statistics */
                times: {
                    /**The number of milliseconds the CPU spends in user mode */
                    user: number;
                    /**The number of milliseconds the CPU spends in good mode */
                    nice: number;
                    /**The number of milliseconds the CPU spends in system mode */
                    sys: number;
                    /**The number of milliseconds the CPU spends in idle mode */
                    idle: number;
                    /**The number of milliseconds the CPU spends in interrupt request mode */
                    irq: number;
            /**Memory usage */
            memStatus: {
                /**Available memory size */
                freeMem: number;
                /**Total memory size */
                totalmem: number;
            /**System bandwidth */
            bandwithStatus: {
                /**Total bandwidth */
                total: number;
                /**Utilized bandwidth */
                usage: number;
            /**Disk usage */
            diskSpace: {
                /**Available disk size */
                free: number;
                /**Total */
                size: number;
            /**Miner running status:0 initializing,unavailable 1 restarting,2 closing,3 running */
            machineStatus: number;
            /**Node status:1 rebuild blockchain,2 synchronizing,3 idle state,4 forge blocks,5 rollback blocks */
            peerStatus: number;
            /**Trustee information */
            deletegateInfo: {
                /**Voting yield */
                reward: string;
                /**Number of votes in the current round */
                voteCount: string;
                /**Number of blocks forged by trustee */
                forgerBlocks: number;
            /**Miner version name */
            miningMachineVersionName: string;
            /**CPU usage */
            cpuUsage: number;
            /**Current block height */
            currentHeight: number;
            /**Synchronize to the highest height in the node list */
            maxHeight: number;

    30.Send node CPU, memory and network information regularly

  • The full name of the interface:systemProcess
  • The abbreviation of the interface:esp
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket,command line
  • Calling method:post
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/systemProcess
  • Request parameters:
    interface SystemProcess {
    /**Verification type: 001 node owner verification 002 administrator verification */
    verifyType: string;
    /**Check value,according to the different permissions of the node visitor, the node owner checks the password, and the administrator checks the address */
    verifyKey: string;
  • Return parameters:
    interface SystemProcess {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Node CPU,memory,network information,JSON object */
        systemProcess: {
            /**CPU usage,array */
            usageCPU: {
                // Number of processes
                processCount: number;
                // Speed
                speed: number;
                // Uptime
                runtime: number;
                // Number of threads
                threadCount: number;
                // Number of handles
                handleCount: number;
                // CPU usage
                CPUusage: number;
            /**Memory usage */
            usageMemory: {
                // Physical memory
                physcial: number;
                // Physical memory usage 
                physcialUsed: number;
                // Free physical memory 
                physcialWait: number;
                // Virtual memory
                virtual: number;
                // Virtual memory usage
                virtualUsed: number;
                // Free virtual memory
                virtualWait: number;
            /**Network usage */
            usageNetwork: {
                // Receiving network traffic
                receive: number;
                // Sending network traffic
                send: number;
                // Total network traffic
                sum: number;
            /**Process usage */
            processData: {
                /**CPU usage percentage */
                CPUPercent: number;
                /**Memory usage percentage */
                memoryPercent: number;
                /**Send per second */
                send: number;
                /**Receive per second */
                receive: number;

    31.Get node information, and different forms of node information will be returned according to the different parameters input

  • The full name of the interface:getSystemInfo
  • The abbreviation of the interface:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling method:get
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getSystemInfo
  • Request parameter:none
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetSystemInfo {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        data: {
            /**System ip */
            localIp: string;
            /**System trustee */
            delegateInfo: {
                /**Node trustee public key */
                publicKey: string;
                /**The security password public key injected by the node trustee */
                secondPublicKey?: string;
                /**Current secondary public key of the node trustee */
                currentSecondPublicKey?: string;
                /**Node trustee address */
                address: string;
                /**The timestamp when the node trustee is successfully set */
                addTime: number;
                /**Trustee */
                name: string | undefined;
            } | undefined;

    32.Get node status

  • The full name of the interface:getMachineStatus
  • The abbreviation of the interface:none
  • Callable methods:Http,Websocket
  • Calling methods:get
  • Interfaceurladdress:/api/system/getMachineStatus
  • Request parameter:none
  • Return parameters:
    interface GetMachineStatus {
    /**Success or not */
    success: boolean;
    result: {
        /**Node status */
        machineStatus: number;
        /**The latest block height of the node */
        height?: number;